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Blue Hole

One of the most famous divesites in the world. Malta (or rather Gozo's) Blue Hole is sure to put a smile on any divers face. Every year it is voted worldwide as one of the Top 10 Divesites in the World, and it truly is. Entry point being a shore dive just under the equally famous Azure Window is already spectacular enough. As you enter the crystal clear waters of the Blue Hole itself you can start your descent. At around 5 metres you will see the opening that leads out into the open sea where we dive under and around the Azure Window. Amazing sheer drop-off's, rock formations and scattered boulders that have fallen down make this dive both exciting and beautiful all at the same time. I have given this a 5 star rating, its by far the best of the best as dives go!

Blue Hole

Coral Cave                                                                                                  

On the opposite side of the Blue Hole you will find Coral Cave. Again descending down through the Blue Hole you will go in the opposite direction swimming up through an exciting 25 metre chimney dive before coming up into the beautiful Coral Gardens, then on around to the cave dive itself. If you are lucky you will see the enormous grouper that live in the cave. Being safe and open this is the ultimate in blue water cave diving. You are likely to see bigger fish on this dive. Average depth is 25 metres for this dive.

Coral Cave


Inland Sea

Another shore dive in Gozo. After a short surface swim to the entrance of the cave you descend to a depth of 5 metres, this quickly increases to about 18 metres as you start your swim through the amazing cave onwards to the blue sea beyond. An impressive dive with sheer walls, beautiful scenery and sometimes larger marine life. The average depth for this dive is 28 metres but if you are a beginner you may choose to do the dive at any shallower depth whilst still getting the full effect of the cave.

Inland Sea



Cirkewwa is my favorite place to dive in Malta, it has 8 different dive sites including amazing arches, tunnels and swim-thru's, drop-off's, a statue, 2 wrecks and an abundance of marine life all in very clear blue waters. It is found at the northwest tip of the island right by the Gozo ferry. It is one of the most popular dive sites on the island and it is suitable for all levels of experience.



Ghar Lapsi

Situated in an extremely pretty area in the south of Malta and offering 2 very different dives. One is a reef dive at a depth of 15 metres and the other is a cave dive with lots of different and exciting tunnels and caves to explore.

Ghar Lapsi


Zurrieq’s Bell Tower Cave

Located in the south of the island at a very pretty fishing village the Bell Tower Cave is at a depth of 28 metres and has 3 different exit points to insure a safe cave dive.

Zurrieq Bell Tower Cave


Carolita Barge

Otherwise known as The X-127. This WW2 wreck is a shore dive from Manoel Island with very easy access. An historical wreck with an exciting history. During WWI it was originally a British water carrier barge used during The Battle of Gallipoli to supply water to the troops. For WWII she was converted into a fuel carrier doing the same job for the British troops during The Battle of Malta. She was sunk in 1942 where she was berthed in the harbour. On the foredeck at the front of the ship you can still see the raised iron girders which the horses used to stand against to steady themselves! The depth varies from 3 to 21 meters as the wreck is lying on a sloping bottom, making it perfect for even the newest of divers. The wreck is in a very sheltered location and is good to dive on when everywhere else rough. This also makes it ideal for PADI Advanced Wreck and PADI Wreck Specailty Courses.

Carolita Barge


HMS Maori

This wreck is located in Marsamxett Harbour Valletta. A British Tribal Detroyer, a WW2 wreck also sunk in 1942, lying in 16 metres of water and very easy to access. A perfect dive to teach you about some of Malta’s history, you can even still see the bombshell casings. It is well sheltered and easy to dive, again making it ideal for new divers and also the Advanced and Wreck Courses. The life on the wreck is abundant. When in season a fair amount of stingrays and seahorses have been spotted on the wreck. And best of all last New Year's Eve we saw a young turtle!

HMS Maori


L'Ahrax Beach

Located at the north east of the island L’Ahrax cave is the dive for cave lovers. Average depth is 20 metres.

L Ahrax Beach


Tugboat Rozi

The Rozi is my favorite wreck dive on the island, it sits perfectly on a sand base bottom. The wreck was scuttled as a tourist attraction in 1991. The wreck is a 30 metre harbour tug, full of marine life including thousands of squid eggs at the right time of year, hundreds of fish and if you're lucky you can see moray eels, octopus and stingrays. It is fully in tact and lies in an average depth range of between 22 and 30 metres. Upper deck lies at 25 metres, the top of the funnel at 18 metres and rudder is at a depth of 36 metres. Just been voted as number 2 of the 10 Most Incredible Sunken Ships on Earth by Amazing Beautiful World. If you could call any wreck a 'friendly wreck' then The Rozi is it!

Tugboat Rozi


UM El Faroud

Size does matter. It was an oil tanker that was scuttled following an explosion in the dry docks in 1998 when maintenance work was being carried out on it. It lies at a maximum depth of 36 metres. This wreck is so big that you can only see a portion of it in one dive. It is also abundant with fish, sometimes you can get to see hundreds of barracuda! Probably the most exciting wreck and definitely the biggest wreck in Malta!

UM El Faroud


Zurrieq Blue Grotto

This dive is made up of beautiful topography, pretty reefs and interesting rock formations. The area is occupied by numerous fish, some of them being painted combers, damselfish, scorpion fish, stingrays and others. Often find octopus, eels and seahorses. This is also the place where we have been so lucky and found angel sharks a few times and also the very odd turtle. Check out our videos to see Casey and the angel shark.

Zurrieq Blue Grotto


Patrol Boat P29

This is a 50 metre long Patrol boat.The wreck was scuttled as an attraction for divers on 14th August 2007. It was originally a German Minesweeper before seeing service as a Patrol Boat for the Maltese Navy. A superb wreck with mast intact and even a 'fun machine gun' on the deck to play with, good for fun photos too. Max depth on this is 37 metres but the entire dive may be done at 25 metres. Also just been voted in the 10 Most Incredible Sunken Ships on Earth by Amazing Beautiful World coming in at number 5. 

Patrol Boat P29


Anchor Bay

Located at Popeye’s Village. The cave at Anchor bay makes for a good start to your holiday diving. A max depth of 14 metres and a 20 minute swim gives you time to refresh your skills underwater.

Anchor Bay


2 Tugs Marsascala

Located on the south of the island in the village of Marsascala the 2 Tugs (named St. Michael and 10) lie on a sandy based bottom at a max depth of 21 metres. It is normal to visit both the wrecks on the same dive as they lie only 50 metres apart.


Located in the middle of Malta and Gozo lies the tiny island of Comino. This little island has a vast selection of caves including the famous Santa Marija and Crystal Caves, tunnels, swim-thru's and reefs. The average depth is 15 metres on all the dives we do there. Fish feeding and shark tooth hunting are just a couple of activities we carry out on Comino. We stop at the stunningly crystal clear blue waters of the famous Blue Lagoon for lunch in between the 2 dives, a massive tourist attraction in itself. We also dive the P31 shipwreck, another German patrol boat lying on the sandy bottom at just 18 metres. We call this day 'the best day out', it truly is. It is perfect for all levels of diver. You will come back from this day probably having done 2 of the best dives in your life, that is what most people say. Also ideal for a family day trip with swimming and snorkeling if you have non-diving members with you on holiday. 



Sliema Caves 

Located just off the Sliema coast. A really pretty dive, one of our favourites. An underwater playground for divers! Lots and lots of tunnels, swim-thru's and caves. The sunlight bounces the holes through showing the beautiful colours of the pink and red corals inside the tunnels. A shallow dive of about a maximum of 17 metres so ideal for Open Water Divers and onwards, all experience of diver will enjoy this divesite.

Sliema Caves


Exiles Tug 2

A brand new shipwreck just sunk during the summer of 2013!!! A fantastic easy wreck to dive lying on the sand at just 19 metres. It has been made completely diver friendly so is safe to swim in and about this open wreck, through the wheelhouse etc... Great fun and easily accessable, a brillaint new dive for everybody :)

Exiles Tug 2


Coral Gardens Sliema 

The sister dive adjacent to Sliema caves. Another beautiful dive looking at the stunning colours again whilst diving through these exciting and pretty tunnels. With maximum depth being about 16 metres also a great dive for every experience of diver. Likely to see octopus and eels on this dive.

Bristol Beaufighter  

WW2 Plane Wreck- One of the best dives ever!! Cresta's speedboat will whisk you to this site in less than 5 minutes! At 38 metres it's one of our deeper dives so you do need your PADI Deep Diver Specialty. We often do this as Deep Dive number 3 or 4 to add incentive to do the course ;) Also you will most likely find huge scorpion fish and large moray or conger eels within the wreck, both breed and live there! Superb dive!

Bristol Beaufighter



Another WW2 shipwreck, a Deep Sea Rescue Paddle Wheeled Steamer Tug. Deeper this time than the other WW2 shipwrecks that we dive lying at 43 metres on the sandy bottom. Deep Specialty is a must for this spectacular dive with the decks being at 38 metres. A rarely dived wreck due to the depth and it being offshore which only makes it even more exciting. It is big, upright and intact with an abundance of enormous giant eels! Great dive for the experienced diver.



38 Ton Guns

These British Royal Naval guns designed for British battleships and also used for coastal defence lie just off the Valletta harbour coast. Interesting for war buffs! Also look around the area, you never know what war memorabilia you may find! Good place for scavenger diving!

38 Ton Guns


Mercanti Reef

A sweet, pretty and shallow dive lying just off St. Julian's. Named due to the fact that in olden times the merchant ships coming into Malta would get wrecked on it so often! Ideal for even the newest of divers with the average depth being just between 8 to 10 metres. Also known as Red Coral Reef for the famous red coral that forms there. Nice overhangs and pretty colours add to this dive. A very relaxing and easy dive.

Mercanti Reef


Virgin Dive  

Even we don't know what we'll find on this dive!!! We all go hunting for new divesites. We all pick an area we think will be good and just dive! Very exciting as always something new to see and find. We have found lots of unknown wrecks, yachts, sailboats, bullets, pipes, caverns, reefs, the list is endless. Really great fun for all! :)

Virgin Dive


Qawra Reef

Pleasant reef dive located just off Qawra at a depth of 20 metres. With a nice arch and good swim-thru as well. The dive has great visibilty and often you will see schools of barrcuda and other types of local fish.

Statue of Christ  

This very famous statue, also known as The Statue of Jesus is found just off Qawra Point or St. Paul's Islands at a depth of 38 metres. A boat dive down into the clear blue, it is rather an amazing feeling as you float down to discover the Jesus Christ Statue staring up at you with his open arms! Really good dive, can get to see stingrays in the sand. For experienced divers with Deep Specialty only.

Statue of Christ


Imperial Eagle  

Malta's to Gozo old ferry boat. Built in 1938 she was a transport ship for the Royal Navy, being attached to port defence duties during the war. She was to later become a cruise ship for the London Thames docks. After modification to carry 70 passengers and 10 cars she became one of the Malta to Gozo's ferries carrying out this service until the mid 1970's when she was thereafter used for storage. She was scuttled some 500 metres off Qawra Point near St. Paul's Islands at a depth of 42 metres. Being a wooden vessel instead of one of the normal metal wrecks she makes a nice change to visit. Also for experienced Deep divers.

Imperial Eagle


Peter's Cave  

This is a boat dive all around the other side of the island on the west. Peters Cave starts at a very dark 12 metres and ends around 26 metres into an amazing blue vista.

Peters Cave


Scot Craig  

Scot Craig was used for the filming of 'Popeye' The Movie, she was used as Popeye's boat. She was then scuttled just outside Anchor Bay where she lies on the sandy sea floor in an upright position about 20 metres deep. A nice dive for all levels, and as she is relatively undisturbed tends to be home to a nice variety of marine life including eels, groupers,octopuses and stingrays. An ideal site for a 2nd boat dive.

SS Margit  

Located off the old city of Kalkara at a deph of 22 metres this 3496 ton passenger ship, 105.5 metres in length with a 13.7 metre beam, was built in 1912 by Forges & Chantiers de la Mediteranee at La Seyne and named ‘Theodore Mante’ over the next twenty seven years her name was changed several times, Mustaapha II, Djebel Antar and Gatun, in 1939 she was re-named Margit and sent to Malta to await a crew. Sunk during WW2 in 1941 as she was berthed in the harbour of Kalkara Creek. It is a very intesting dive but visibilty is often poor due to a silty bottom.

SS Margit


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